Here’s a story I just received this week about a woman who is dealing with her husband’s Sex and Porn Addiction.

Hi, my name is Iman and this is for anyone that would listen and understand on what I am going through with my so called “marriage”.  Honestly, I am not even sure on where to start with this without crying or getting angry to the point that I want to ask him to leave for good this time. I will just write all the key points through the issues that I went through with him.

Okay, I have been married for 3 years and have two children by him (2 years old daughter and 2 month old son) and my 13 years old son from previous marriage. I am heartbroken for the children as well.

Ever since I met this man, I feel that my life was never the same….I feel that I am drowning in pain and with lots of anger. Since the beginning, I had other women involved in our marriage meaning he kept flirting and giving his number to them or vice versa, and just two weeks before our marriage he was dating this other female that I found through his text messages and it was sexual plus talking like he was also going to marry her.

Of course, I confronted him and he denied it all and said that it was his brother using his phone, so I let that go with lots of anger.

Hmm… then 2 months within our marriage I found out that I was pregnant and I was supposed to enjoy my pregnancy, but I kept finding him chatting with other females online or him watching porn, so we argued so much to the point that we separated for few months and then he would apologize and he would cry and say that he would change, so I would believe him and take him back.

He would do well for few days, but then we would argue so much about the past or that he wants nothing to do with my son or then our newborn child, so again he would go back on the same issues (porn and chatting with other females) and again we would separate for few months and back again because he kept crying and apologizing… mind you this continued for our entire marriage.

I am really all alone with these issues because I feel that I have no one on my side even my parents know his issues, but they keep telling me to give him chance after chance and that he will change and grow up eventually (we are both 30 years old)…I still don’t see it and now its 3 years into our marriage and nothing yet.

Few days ago, I found porn on our laptop again and at first he tried to deny it like always, but he couldn’t hide it, so he admitted, but as usual apologized and said to drop it and that he will never do it again and for us to move on from it. I don’t trust him and am only in this marriage because am praying that he will change like my parents say and at the same time I don’t want to make bad choices for the sake of the children.

Another issue is that my son (13 year old) and he don’t get along much. My son came to me numerous times saying that he doesn’t show him affection like he does for our other two and when he speaks to him it is always with a bad tone. My son feels alone at times because he never had a father role and this one is not helping. When I offer him with an advice on how to care and communicate with the children. He says that he doesn’t need help, but he isn’t getting anywhere with any of us, so what is really happening to my marriage????????????

What am I doing wrong or what should I do to heal and fix this marriage or even myself…PLEASE HELP!

Thank you


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