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Free YouTube Videos for Partners of Sex Addicts
Here is Part One of the four part series of interviews I did with Barbara Steffens.
She has generously given her time and knowledge so that we can all benefit from her research and ideas about how partners of Sex Addicts can cope and heal. I cannot thank her enough.
Here is Part Two of the four part series of interviews with Barbara Steffens. If you enjoyed part one you will LOVE part two. In Part Two Barbara discusses the ‘life quake’ of discovery of the Sexual Addiction, disclosures, honesty, trust and boundaries.
Here is Part Three of the four part series of interviews with Barbara Steffens. If you liked parts one and two, I’m sure you will enjoy this session. In Part Three Barbara discusses what effects stress and trauma have on our bodies and our minds, and what types of treatments are available.
Once again, I would like thank Barb for so generously sharing her time, knowledge and experience with us.We come to the end of our journey with Barbara Steffens in this final segment of our interviews.
In this last interview Barbara discusses the issues that must be addressed after the initial discovery, how and what to tell the children, where to find support and how to relieve stress. Barbara also shares her very poignant personal story of forgiveness.
It is a very bittersweet ending for me as I feel as if I am saying goodbye to a very dear friend. But we can access her wisdom any time with the interviews and her book. I know I speak for everyone when I say “Thank You” to Barbara for her sharing and caring in offering her time for these interviews.
If you have other authors or authorities you would like to hear, please feel free to make suggestions.