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Here I am, back at my computer again. It’s hard to believe that this website has been helping parters of sex addicts for almost a decade and a half–where does the time go?

I know some people seem to think so, but I am not a big corporation. Really, I’m not. It’s just me. One person on a mission. I have 3 websites dedicated to the understanding of sex addiction.

I do not have any employees and I do everything myself with no financial support from anyone or any groups or organizations. I build and maintain the websites, purchase hosting, software, hardware and office supplies from my own funds and I write the eBooks and answer all e-mails personally.

It is more than a full time job.

I do this because it is my passion to bring support, resources and the truth about sex addiction to partners of sex addicts. Support and resources that I sought in the beginning of my discovery that I never found.

I never want any partner to travel this journey alone.

If you have gotten any value from my sites please consider making a donation to help keep this site operational. Any amount, no matter how small, will help.

Thank you.
