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Internet Porn-The New Crack Cocaine

Concerning internet porn, the internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors. I fear that the upcoming generation will include a large majority of individuals who cannot relate to each other on an intimate level and who will spend their entire lives seeking fantasy relationships that have no grounding in reality.

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Prostitution-Don’t Legalize it! Criminalize the Buyer!

Yes, I have heard, and sadly have previously agreed, that prostitution always has and always will be around, so why not just legalize it? But there was always that nagging hurt inside of me for the women. Something just wasn't right about legalizing an industry that exploits women. An industry that caters to the base instincts of men who think that money can buy another human being and allow them to use and abuse that human being in any way they choose. An industry where men, and only men--the johns and the pimps, benefit at the expense of the objectified and abused women.

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Spring, Our Time to Emerge as Beautiful Butterflies

Spring is a time of rebirth and renewal. I was profoundly moved this week as I watched a butterfly emerge from her chrysalis and I thought of myself and all of you who are emerging into a new life as beautiful butterflies.The photo that I took is on the left.

I apologize for not writing any posts in a while. Spring has sprung here in Missouri and, with lots of flower beds and landscaped terraces screaming for my attention I have been up to my elbows in planting, weeding and outdoor clean up. And, this weekend my son and his family are in from out of town, so grandma will be busy cooking and soaking up lots of love.

I have also been very busy working the bugs out of some new audio/visual production software (I love Adobe) to provide podcasts and interviews for this site. (more…)

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Sex Addiction eBook Series Launched

How many times have you bought a book but only needed the information in one or two chapters? The Married To A Sex Addict Survival Series allows you to choose the topics that you need when you need them. The Survival Series focuses on specific issues that affect those of us who are casualties of Sex Addiction, and addresses these issues specifically toward someone who is involved with a Sex Addict.

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Home From The Hospital

j0092127I’m so happy to be home after 28 days in the hospital. I’m also happy to see that this site carried on without me with the wonderful comments and shares from my friends.

I’ll try not to bore you with the lengthy details, but this experience was truly unique. Just for the record, I am extremely healthy–so much so that I tend to brag that I never even get a cold. I am active, do all my own yard work, hike and am very fit. And I am a Registered Nurse who should know signs and symptoms of illness. (more…)

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