More From JoAnn: Why Do I Stay With A Sex Addict?
I appreciate the voices who have asked the question, and I also hear those of you who did not ask, but still wondered--Why Do I Stay With A Sex Addict?
All about Sex Addiction. What is Sex Addiction? Old and new methods of recovery, pros and cons of 12 step groups, co dependency, co addiction. What it is
I appreciate the voices who have asked the question, and I also hear those of you who did not ask, but still wondered--Why Do I Stay With A Sex Addict?
The odd thing about our stories is that there is never an ending. The stories of Sex Addiction are ongoing, a continuance of the peaks and valley, the happiness and pain and, of course, the struggles.
Is your husband a sex addict? Find out on
My husband was arrested in a Craigslist sting operation when he corresponded with a “woman” who eventually claimed she was 14 years old, and “curious” about being with an older man.
Hello, my name is Rosie. I was married to a sex addict.
I met Sex Addict Scott at church, a curious stranger, new to my church. I spotted him, tall and dark, singing in the choir, playing the guitar and trombone, and would occasionally see him singing with other choirs around the city.
My name is Stephanie and I just found out the truth about my Sex Addict husband.
When I first realized that my husband was a Sex Addict is when I found some pornography charged to my Cable bill. We had not been married long
I became sexually involved with my Sex Addict husband immediately after we started dating as we had been friends and co-workers first. I was only 22, but it seemed loving and satisfying.
It should come as no surprise to you that I have been deeply affected by your outside sexual activities throughout the course of our relationship and the way you deliberately and systematically hid them from me.
We went to strip clubs, he loved watching me get lap dances, he thought I was so cool for being open to it, I obliged. His buddies came with us to the strip clubs; he liked to parade me in front of them, to show them how cool I was.
My name is Shari Cohn. I am a psychotherapist who works with sex addicts and partners is Madison Wisconsin.