All about Sex Addiction. What is Sex Addiction? Old and new methods of recovery, pros and cons of 12 step groups, co dependency, co addiction. What it is

He Drives Me Crazy! Passive Aggressive Behavior In Sex Addicts.

I like to think of Passive Aggressive behaviors as 'polite hostility'. They say one thing while meaning another, and they 'kind of' want you to know what they really mean, but can't face the repercussions. So, they leave you there, scratching your head trying to figure out their mixed signals. It can really make you crazy!

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Sex Addiction Is Not Just A U.S. Problem–Aimee’s Story

About 9 months ago, I have started feeling he is keeping some secrets from me,,,,work trips extending to the weekends, spending days at a friend s house in Belgium that I have never heard of! When I finally got so frustrated and confronted him, he told me his dark secret…it was more than I could bear.

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Internet Porn-The New Crack Cocaine

Concerning internet porn, the internet is a perfect drug delivery system because you are anonymous, aroused and have role models for these behaviors. I fear that the upcoming generation will include a large majority of individuals who cannot relate to each other on an intimate level and who will spend their entire lives seeking fantasy relationships that have no grounding in reality.

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I’d Rather Not Say (My Name) Her Story of Being Married to a Sex Addict for Ten Years

I think my husband is a sex addict. The first time I found out he had been sleeping with someone we both knew and she could not keep it a secret any longer. After it came out I found out she was not the only one there were at least five others.

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Prostitution-Don’t Legalize it! Criminalize the Buyer!

Yes, I have heard, and sadly have previously agreed, that prostitution always has and always will be around, so why not just legalize it? But there was always that nagging hurt inside of me for the women. Something just wasn't right about legalizing an industry that exploits women. An industry that caters to the base instincts of men who think that money can buy another human being and allow them to use and abuse that human being in any way they choose. An industry where men, and only men--the johns and the pimps, benefit at the expense of the objectified and abused women.

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Why Do Relationships With Sex Addicts Become So Dysfunctional?

The effects of living with a Sex Addict are subtle but deep, destructive to our sense of safety, emotionally devastating and life changing. As the relationship with a Sex Addict progresses our personalities change. We try to find normal ways to deal with an abnormal situation. Sex Addicts have two sides to their personalities and the deception over who they are, what they believe in and what they are doing presents an ever changing, contradictory picture that is impossible to make sense of.

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