L’s Story–Decades Of Deception
I became sexually involved with my Sex Addict husband immediately after we started dating as we had been friends and co-workers first. I was only 22, but it seemed loving and satisfying.
I became sexually involved with my Sex Addict husband immediately after we started dating as we had been friends and co-workers first. I was only 22, but it seemed loving and satisfying.
It should come as no surprise to you that I have been deeply affected by your outside sexual activities throughout the course of our relationship and the way you deliberately and systematically hid them from me.
We went to strip clubs, he loved watching me get lap dances, he thought I was so cool for being open to it, I obliged. His buddies came with us to the strip clubs; he liked to parade me in front of them, to show them how cool I was.
My name is Shari Cohn. I am a psychotherapist who works with sex addicts and partners is Madison Wisconsin.
found out that my husband is a true 100% full blown sex addict 1 month ago. Thanks to watching an Oprah show about recovering sex addicts, he admitted to paying for sex and masturbating to pornography before and during our entire relationship.
We have been dealing with an incident that happened two nights ago. I found him in our theater room watching a very sexually explicit movie.
It’s the one year anniversary of the moment I realized my husband was addicted to internet porn.
Underneath that rage lies a world of hurt and betrayal; one that began long before I considered marrying my second sex addict. Yeah, I did it twice.
I cannot be in a marriage that has proven to be anything other than dishonest. I cannot live with constant wonder if you are telling me the truth.
This isn't a story quite like the others-- I pretty much destroyed a part of my soul to keep my marriage together.
On May 8th, I caught my partner of 10 years and my fiancé of a 7 months with another woman.
Every woman who has gone through the pain and turmoil of discovering that their partner is a Sex Addict seeks answers to the same questions.