Miss C’s Story: How I Made My Decision To Divorce My Sex Addict Husband
I am 40 years old, recently divorced from the Sex Addict in my life, disguised as my husband.
I am 40 years old, recently divorced from the Sex Addict in my life, disguised as my husband.
So, I have spent the last few days reading over the most recent comments and I will summarize some of my thoughts here. Please forgive me if I miss something, but I'll try to make my thoughts as general as possible in order to cover most topics.
In the back of my mind, I don’t want him anymore. I don’t. In the back of my mind he is damaged goods, someone passed around and discarded by hundreds of women.
I thank God for you and for your website! I am brand new to this entire experience and right now, I think I'm still in shock. I've inhaled almost every woman's story on this site to find answers to a problem I now know is Sex Addict.
Introducing a new page for wives of Sex Addicts to share their good things.
This is such a humbling experience for me to admit that my husband is a Sex Addict and I have stayed in such a relationship
Unlike many women who visit your site I knew about my husbands sex addiction when I married him. He is not only a sex addict but a convicted felon and registered sex offender who spent 10 years in the penal system
My husband just recently admitted to being a sex addict. As to what extent I only know that he was watching porn on the internet and always wanted to have sex with me all the time or he would get very angry and would take it out on me!
My husband, whom I just found out is a Sex Addict, deployed to Afghanistan in the middle of all of the chaos so I am alone and will be until Sept of 2011.....and just when I thought things couldn't get any worse they did
Here are links to a few articles that I wrote a while back that I think will help some of you understand the chemical imbalances that occur in Sex Addicts.
Inevitably one night I came out and took him by surprise. He was on the computer and had several porn sites open. I was floored, speechless, and so hurt.
When I started this site two years ago I had no idea where this simple web site called Married To A Sex Addict would go or what it would become. We have grown from just a handful of visitors each month to over five thousand unique visitors per month,