Sex Addict Weasel Words: ‘I’ll Try’
Have you ever heard someone say 'I'll try'? For years, and, even occasionally now, I heard those dreaded words from my Sexually Addicted husband. Just what does 'I'll try' mean?
Have you ever heard someone say 'I'll try'? For years, and, even occasionally now, I heard those dreaded words from my Sexually Addicted husband. Just what does 'I'll try' mean?
Pregnant wife with young child seeks help with Sexually Addicted husband.
My story started in January, when I accidentally found out my husband of 24 years was having an affair. I started digging and found out he had been having sex, some of it pretty kinky, with as many as 20 women for the past 5 years.
my boyfriend is a sex addict-he stole my 21 year old daughters memory card and printed her pictures out and i found them in his lunch box
Sometimes letters from my readers really touch my soul. I get many private e-mails through the 'Contact' page, which I always answer.Sometimes one will really take me back. Here is my answer to one of those that talked about finding out those devastating facts while monitoring her husband's computer.
I have known far too many women who were not only devastated by the discovery of their spouse or partner's Sexual Addiction, but they also had to face the horrible reality of finding out that their financial situation was in ruins.
The dangers of Sex Addiction for the addict are everywhere, Internet, craigslist, glory-holes, porn stores, female friends, male friends, bathrooms, libraries, wherever.
Part four of a four part series of interviews with Barbara Steffens, author of Your Sexually Addicted Spouse, How Partners Can Cope And Heal
Here is Part Three of the four part series of interviews with Barbara Steffens. If you liked parts one and two, I'm sure you will enjoy this session. In Part Three Barbara discusses what effects stress and trauma have on our bodies and our minds, and what types of treatments are available.
I like to think of Passive Aggressive behaviors as 'polite hostility'. They say one thing while meaning another, and they 'kind of' want you to know what they really mean, but can't face the repercussions. So, they leave you there, scratching your head trying to figure out their mixed signals. It can really make you crazy!
I've gotten a little behind on posting Q&A section, so I thought I would put some of the questions, along with my answers, here so that each of you could respond if you wish. Here is a question from a reader called Rosy:
This wife cannot leave her sexually addicted husband.